Showing posts with label Digital Advertising Strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital Advertising Strategy. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015 - SEO and Social Media Prophecy and 2014 Digital Advertising Notables

As we begin 2015 there are things that made a lasting impact on 2014 and some that are just about to raise their ugly heads and catch many marketers unaware and unprepared.
Here is your future checklist for Digital – Mobile Application Development, SEO, Social Media Management/Marketing, Digital Advertising and Digital PR in 2015

1. Voice Search – More to come on this, in detail, but as “users”, (Search and Social Media), move to mobile devices, specifically phones, Voice Search Optimization is going to be a really big thing and is going to catch many marketers by surprise. Hint: We have been researching Voice Search at Rockfish since 2011, (Google Labs), and have been actively doing VSO, (Voice Search Optimization for clients).

2. KBO or Knowledge Base Optimization – Brands, Brands, #Brands – With Google keeping the searcher on Google’s network longer, (See Google Play, Google Knowledge Graph and Google Plus), being able to make a change to Wikipedia by having that editor friend or the media person who works in PLAs assist you in modifying what your client doesn’t like to see about their own brand in Google. Learn how to fix anything….  including Wikipedia.. Or perish.

3. YouTube – Video Search Optimization – YouTube Hashtags work on Google + now.  Dec. 2008 YouTube was 25% of all Google Searches. Now, More U.S. Based 18-34 Year-olds Watch YouTube than Cable and YouTube videos influence the purchasing decisions of 53% of all consumers in the U.S. YouTube has now replaced the TV set.

4. Digital Media Distribution – Someone hacked Sony Pictures, “The Interview” was released via Digital distribution methods BEFORE it was released in theatres for the first time in History. Personal Note: I watched it on Xbox Video, I purchased it for $15.99 downloaded it and watched it the day before it was released in theaters.

5. Television Content Viewing Habits – Similar to the above but “Binge Watching” is now a thing. Personal Note: Still have not watched Breaking Bad – but one day, Binge Watching it. Commercial Television has made the leap with APPS. Phones, Tablet and Gaming Consoles now have applications where you can watch network television complete with commercials. Unlike TiVo, it’s not when you want it, or like AT&T UVerse where you can pretty much pick your own time schedule for your own shows, but that is for digital cable users, which also have another app. Welcome to the world of multi-screens and cross=platforms, Netflix now charges by the screen.

6. Mobile – It’s everything and it’s everywhere. Google considers Tablets more like Desktop than a mobile device and sees Smart Phones as totally different. Overall, smartphones and tablets accounted for 39% of Google organic search traffic during the third quarter of 2014. Personal Note: The big change I made in October 2014 in mobile was I removed Facebook from my phone after they launched Facebook Messenger. Life is actually a lot more peaceful, calm and I have been sleeping more. Facebook Messenger was never installed on my IPad either.  2015 Mobile trend prediction – Look for devices to have LESS memory, and more services expecting data to be stored in a cloud.
Actually, isn’t there a lawsuit about this? “iPhone users sue Apple over iOS 8 device storage squeeze” see hashtag #itoldyouso for most of these "predictions"

7. Mobile Payments – 2014 saw the debut of Apple Pay with Google Wallet still lurking around, Apple leap-frogged PayPal and Google Wallet for Mobile payments. Storyboard Messaging Service Snapchat got hacked, many private pictures of celebrities unclothed were released in October, known as the “Snappening”, next month in November of 2014 introduced Snap Cash, See a pattern here?

8. Hacking – The reason why I purchased #The Interview on Xbox360 was that Hackers from somewhere, (Either Korea or the U.S. supposedly, I can’t comment), broke into mail servers and got email from Sony executives somewhere that shouldn’t have been having private conversations in email.  (Ask Mark Cuban about his messaging app - Cyberdust ) - Hackers then also did Denial of Service attacks on the sources of bandwidth for XBOX and PS4, shutting Sony PlayStation Network down.

Personal Note: I didn’t notice, I was watching The Interview on Xbox Video during the time of the Xbox attack. While Downloading Destiny and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare updates.

 Wait before I forget, entirely TOO MANY RETAILERS got hacked in 2014, let’s hope, actually pray, it doesn’t get worse in 2015... But it will... you have no idea... #beafraid #beveryafraid

Our openness with online websites like Facebook, Snapchat, Foursquare,
(Foursquare got booted in 2013, remember?), and mobile devices, security and privacy should go hand in hand... however we are not doing it right..  I’m still not using a credit card, cash only at some stores.

9. Selfies - 2014 was the first year I took a “selfie”. I took 9 last year, have taken 4 this year, maybe if I get prettier, I’ll take more? Instagram is built on a foundation of selfies. Thank God Pinterest hasn’t fallen victim to the Selfie trend. Facebook has, Twitter has, and Television and Magazines have, ok, prediction.  Some study comes out showing guys that take #selfies too much are serial killers or something..

10. Video Conferencing – Aside from the multi-BILLION dollar Adult industry built around video conferencing platforms like Skype, how soon in 2015 does it add FaceTime and Google Hangouts? Pinterest made private boards and thankfully Instagram picked up the adult traffic before they ruined Pinterest. However Facebook and Twitter are now seeing the Adult spam deluge with Vines just like the Adult invasion that pretty much killed Myspace.  Right before we all left and went to The Facebook. Never fear. Google hangouts are being used for business. Google even has a business unit named Google Hangouts for Business. Let’s hope it’s not overrun with Adult like Snapchat, look for more Google Hangouts to be catalogued in YouTube search results for educational purposes.

Social Media isn't "new" it's just a term for Internet Socialization. We used to "Go outside" and "play" - now we sit and watch Youtubes on our phones.. or we sit and play Xbox or PlayStation, which.. now has people playing and "watching them play".

From XboxOne..

It’s easy to make group video calls on Xbox One using Skype. Before you make a group video call, your Kinect sensor must be plugged in. At least one person on the call must have a Premium Skype account. You can initiate a group video call with a maximum of 4 people in a group (including yourself). However, if someone else on Skype initiates the call from another device such as a Windows 8 PC, that call can include up to 25 people.

Also, Didnt Amazon just buy Twitch? Where you can watch models play video games..

11. Stock Market – Facebook will continue to have a higher valuation than TWTR but Twitter will become more useful and more a part of our lives and Facebook will be ravaged by a virus. But to my dismay, will bounce back and the stock price will still go up. Facebook Offers and Twitter Cards will still provide excellent opportunities for businesses but Twitter Cards will rule Google.

Dear CNBC people, watch TV, Are you showing everyone's Facebook Page or Twitter /Nick?

Why is Twitter Stock worth less? I truly don't get it.

12. Private Messaging Fragmentation – Here are words to live by in 2015 – “If you don’t want it public, don’t connect to the internet or a mobile network” – Mark Cuban created Cyber Dust for this reason. Look for security and privacy to suddenly become big deals in 2015 when we realize how clueless we have been with our data. Governments are going to try and legislate this in 2015

13. Candy Crush vs. Kim Kardashian – Candy Crush (free) and Minecraft (paid) are the two most downloaded games in 2014. (Google Play) Any guesses on 2015?

14. As people look to express themselves more in a predominately 140 character world, blogging will resurface, video blogs will become bigger and better as well as more people looking for places other than Facebook  and Twitter, Instagram, Still the "@"  will still rule social media.

15. People will realize people are using Google+ and as it gets more integrated into Google Search, brands and businesses, a Google hangout may be akin to a Fax machine but probably not in 2015. Maybe 2016. Google + will be this place hidden in search results, hmm.. (light bulb)

Reference –

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in Review - 14 Digital Predictions for 2014

This time a year ago.. I wrote a guest post on Social Fresh entitled:

13 Digital Predictions for 2013

We learn from our mistakes and I try to make as many as I can.
However, how many mistakes did i make last year?
1. Brand Verifications
Verification of the “Brand” will dictate the most needed activity for a brand in 2013, some will listen now, some will pay too much money for domains later. - True, kinda..

In 2014: Ever hear of Knowledge Graph or Google Hummingbird? (Read this explanation by @TonyVerre on the @Rockfish Blog  - This is everything, where social will display, the land rush for Google+ Custom URLs see Google.Com/+steveplunkettSEO - Look for this space to increase personalization in 2014.
2.Facebook Continues To Be The Social Network
Facebook will continue to get the buzz and the budgets as they become more of a central connection point in our lives. - TRUE
In 2014: Same thing, still #1 social network but as teens moved away from Facebook in 2013, expect more Facebook abandonment, maybe one really big one. With stock prices now a part of the equation how will Facebook's stock impact how it treats it's users in 2014.
3. LinkedIn Integrations
LinkedIn will continue its B2B dominance of the workplace by allowing neutral integration of Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Google + as the social media Switzerland. - True, kinda..
In 2014:  LinkedIn still dominates, look for more local improvements and possibly an acquisition of or similar localized yet social calendar technology.
4. LinkedIn Integrations Backfire 
This backfires temporarily as users connect personal social media to their LinkedIn work profile and some Christmas party photos show up “tagged” under a brand name profile page on LinkedIn. This… despite 3 warning screens from LinkedIn.
“This may reveal personal information, are you sure you want to connect Facebook to LinkedIn?”
- Maybe LinkedIn users are wary? 
In 2014: See #3.
5. Google+ Keeps Getting Relevant
Google + will become more integrated in Google Search as Google and Facebook compete to the center of our social universe.
Despite the fact, people search for people not things on Facebook. Google will integrate the people part more into search. It will work, well. People will be referencing 2 year old “Google + is a Ghost town articles”, at their peril. - Same Story - TRUE
In 2014: Repeat #5 - it's growing and growing, YouTube is integrated with Google+ and Blogger's comments system, once that mess is untangled, Google Hangouts will blow up in 2014,
6. Bing Local Integrates Facebook
Bing Local begins to tie Facebook into Microsoft Mobile, Facebook tries a different angle and fails ridiculously at privacy again. Bing hits a homerun with the Auto GPS market. - True
In 2014: As Windows Mobile, XBOXOne, Xbox and Windows 8.2 all are integrated in to more and more electronic devices, (Tvs and other small appliances), will windows explore a new foothold?
7. Zynga, Facebook, LinkedIn, Apple Create Privacy Fence Spiral of Death
Zynga Game posts from Facebook games end up accidentally spamming LinkedIn posts of fellow employees, creating landmark case for privacy vs. time management in the workplace. Apple gets caught doing a similar thing, debuts new iWatch and everyone forgets. - Not Really.
In 2014: Same thing, another silly prediction, some bungled connection will cause a major problem, most will ignore it. Like retailers and credit card information, or something.
8. The World Discovers SEO
Someone like @Late_show or @jimmyfallon figures out SEO and actually has someone who can explain it on and the SEO world rejoices. Brand related Spam increases. - Nope, not yet..
In 2014: In 2013 the world discovered twitter and now it's part of television news, every single segment. Twitter handles are linked everywhere. Customer support mechanisms for consumers are very effective on Twitter. By then, though, is it already too late for Online Reputation Management? SEO maybe in 2014, 2013 definately goes to [$TWTR]
9. Twitter Campaigns Continue, Twitter Campaign Spam Continues
@Wolfgangbuzz works with @steveplunkett from @Rockfish to create digital campaign using the hashtag #nomnomnom, which raises a bunch of money and awareness for @nokidhungry by some wonderful and thoughtful brand sponsoring the # of occurrences of the hashtag during a 24 period by the foodie, media, pr, advertising seo and social media community similar to #beatcancer at #bwe10.
The campaign ends up creating a system where kids are taught where to find shelter using social media and search while having a free nutritious meal. Of course… sponsored by some major #nomnomnom food brand… which uses #nomnomnom to catapult to the top of the #recipe awareness food chain.
- Nope.. still need to do this? Maybe in 2014?? psst.. @WolfgangBuzz?
In 2014: Beyonce toppled record sales figures. Grand Theft Auto V broke records for single day game sales. Nobody camps out for concert tickets or movie premieres anymore, gamers will. Otherwise, the social media presence of musical artists will provide an ever increasing role in how Google is changing in 2014. Knowledge graph has many facets, Movies, Music and Games have been the big money businesses in the past, next year it evolves again.
10. Brands Start to GET Apps
Branded apps will become technologically better, more secure, more personal yet how those apps utilize and integrate with public APIs will be the real challenge. - TRUE
In 2014: More of the same, was trying to find information on UBER for a car for New Year's Eve. If I try Google search for Mobile using my voice. (Try doing a voice search for "Uber" - i stopped after 20 mins.. How does it work? DOWNLOAD THE APP. Expect more of this for the next 2-3 years as APPs become more exclusive.... and intrusive.
11. Privacy Dies Again
Security, Security, Security or is it Privacy, Privacy, Privacy – we still can’t figure it out as credit card companies tie in purchasing behavior into social media. - TRUE!!!
In 2014: Should you expect anything different? Nope, unless some secret agency is downloading APPs and modifying them before you download to record your information? No, that couldn't happen? #privacy
12. Location Continues To Fly Under Radar
Location, Location, Location – Where are you?, What are you connected to where you are at? – Where are you going next? What you need and who has the best price closest to you where you have coupons or loyalty points, Where is the one app to rule them all?  - Nope, not yet.
(Google Wallet connection with G+ late 2013/2014?) - nope, but almost.
In 2014: Mobile will continue to dominate, need we say more? Go mobile, or Go home!
13. Too Much Social, Yet More and More Social
Overload occurs as we wonder why we need a Twitter @steveplunkett, a Facebook (, Google+ (+steve Plunkett) but we continue to login and use them every day, more and more as Google and Twitter work more closely to fend off Facebook and Bing as they try and grab more of our digital attention in 2013. - True.. kinda..
In 2014: Will to continue to ignore the Facebook profile listed above. A Google + profile (+StevePlunkettSEO) a Google+ Page (+StevePlunkettPLUS) may or may not be used more?
14. Twitter still dominates. Online Reputation Management Nightmares will continue to plague brands but Google has the answer, i've seen it, when they will finish it is the question, in 2014?
Google Communities - Next? in Search Results?