Showing posts with label Organic Search Engine Optimization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organic Search Engine Optimization. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2015

What is SEO? How is that different From Social Media?

What is SEO?
(I keep getting asked simple SEO questions on Quora..  To save everyone some time.. i'm going to post some terms and explanations you need to know. Then link to here from Quora. =) *lightbulb - What If.... [saving this information for May 1st.]

How is SEO different From Social Media? 
(another question that is asked daily.. SEO is Search and Social Media is "Online Interaction Between Humans: Public and Private" )

What about DAO, KBO and ORM?
(If you are a Brand.. this is the question you should have been asking since.. 2003.)

In the beginning there was UseNet and  Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTPProtocol.
Your subject line was how you got people to read your posts... fast forward to when everyone was weaned off AOL and on to the Internet itself, circa 1996-ish..  fast forward again to today, now we have the Internet in our pocket, with GPS and blazing fast speeds.. What was it like then?
This is how long it takes a webpage to load, or get to Yahoo to search for something.

(let me show you, please click play.)

Visualization of Modem Connection 

SEO - (Search Engine Optimization) - is the practice of optimizing a digital asset for retrieval in some type of query based information retrieval system. These "information retrieval systems" are Google, Bing, Yahoo, Google Maps, your computer when you search for a file, also when you search outlook express for a subject line or the content of an email or who sent it. That is a "Query".

Search - Search (also see Query below), is the action of taking one piece of information and comparing it to many pieces of information, usually associated with an object. There are two types of searches. Searching against an "Index", or searching against some type of "Classification" criteria. (see "Object Oriented Design", below

Social Media - Social Media is human (and machine.. think about it.. eeek!), interaction across the digital ecosystem. If we check in, we are leaving a digital fingerprint/footprint on where we have been, what date, what time. These digital trails can develop patterns that can be used by advertisers, and criminals.  (see Water Hole Optimization)

Digital Ecosystem - As in life, each organism is itself an ecosystem, an ecosystem is defined by one pivot point with then spreads out to encompass all interactions, actual, perceived, or desired. (By the Client. Begin with the End in Mind, what are there wants, needs for digital? where do they fit into the digital ecosystem? where are they absent? 
A digital ecosystem for a user is different than a brand. The users path is to a brand. The brand path is about how users come to them online.. in digital.  Facebook that is your a Digital Ecosystem that contains smaller ecosystems like your friends list... that is your ecosystem. The contacts on your phone, are part of your ecosystem. Some of those contacts are shared with or connected because they are also friends of your on Facebook, or maybe they sent an email to your Gmail account? There are several ways your ecosystem crosses networks.. Networks you need to be aware of like; LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Google, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook.. Etc.  Those are the ones we are going to discuss today.

Back to Search...
Rule #1In Search, a "User" either has an association with a "Brand", or they do not.

Users - You, me, them.. are you on the internet? Then you are a "user".

Brands - Again, You, me, them.. example: I am (Me - "Steve Plunkett - Sr. Search Scientist - personal brand), I work at (Rockfish - Company Brand), I do work for these clients, (insert a BUNCH of other brands), (see Rockfish Website for clients.) Then again, an agency should probably never reveal their ORM or Online Reputation Management clients, in my opinion.  That is shared at the office. (We don't.) It is frequently counter productive to inform you that many companies pay people to change Google/Facebook/Twitter/Yelp - legally and ethically of course.. or at least that is the only way we or I will do it.. there are shady people on this planet.. i'm just not one of them.. that is my brand.. the Corporate Guy on the Black Hat Panel @ Pubcon - the scary one.. in the suit.. with suspenders.. 4 out of 7 executive say, "we are sure glad he is on our side".

In not mean or bad or scary.. i just protect my Brands.

Like a mother (insert fierce female mother animal you find scary)

(Blog in-progress) 

Monday, November 01, 2010

SEO, ORM, Ethics and the greater good of Google

How long does it take and what effort will it take, to change a misspelling in a Google Search Query? Be it a proper name, Client's Trademarked Brand or Product name?
Ex: "Dawn Maire"

Dawn Maire (Correct spelling) is CSO at @Rockfish - Having recently changed jobs, Dawn is Chief Strategy Officer and since my new title is Sr. Manager, Content Strategy, Search and Social at Rockfish, that would make her my boss. 

While getting to know Dawn and while she was getting to know me on a recent visit to the NWA office of @Rockfish, She asked, "Does that mean you can make me pull up on Google for my real name, instead thinking it’s a 
misspelling of WWE Diva Dawn Marie?" 

Without thinking much, I said "of course, would tomorrow be okay?", She said "That would be great!" After a bit more thinking, I asked, "What do you want to be 1st for your name?" She said, "I dunno, how about my LinkedIn profile?". Knowing this plays well to using my search skills responsibly, I said "Ok, I'll do it right before 10pm"

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Thursday, September 02, 2010

PubCon Las Vegas 2010 Black Hat Session and Discount registration code

Black hatImage via WikipediaBelow is a 20% off coupon to PubCon Vegas
Enter Code: rc-3099415 when you register and get 20% off.
I'm Speaking on the Black Hat SEO panel.. it's going to be fun.. i'm going to out some famous websites doing stuff that @mattcutts and @google could remove them for.
(you better hope it's not one of your clients...)
PubCon Vegas 2010
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Search Engine Bias - Search Engine Optimization

Due to search engines’ automated operations, people often
assume that search engines display search results neutrally
and without bias. However, this perception is mistaken.

Like any other media company, search engines affirmatively
control their users’ experiences, which has the consequence
of skewing search results (a phenomenon called “search
engine bias”).

Some commentators believe that search
engine bias is a defect requiring legislative correction.
Instead, this Essay argues that search engine bias is the
beneficial consequence of search engines optimizing content
for their users.

The Essay further argues that the most
problematic aspect of search engine bias, the “winner-takeall”
effect caused by top placement in search results, will be
mooted by emerging personalized search technology.

click for search engine bias essay

Friday, June 15, 2007

Search Engine Ranking Factors

This document represents the collective wisdom of 37 leaders in the world of organic search engine optimization. Together, they have voted on the various factors that are estimated to comprise Google's ranking algorithm (the method by which the search engine orders results). The result is a resource of incredible value - although not every one of the estimated 200+ ranking elements are included, it is my opinion that 90-95% of the knowledge required about Google's algorithm is contained below.
- Rand Fishkin, CEO & Jeff Pollard, Web Developer Launched on April 2, 2007