Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Search Engine Heat Maps

Search Engine Heat Maps

"Our screenshots have a resolution of 1024x768 pixels and the whole resolution (SERP that the user notices on its screen) had on principle a perception of 100 percent. Some regions of each SERP that we analyzed go from strength to strength while others don't.

For example, Google owns the most effective sponsored link area when compared to all others. The regions of interest are all equal, but of course based on different parts of a website,
which made it much harder to answer all those questions
mentioned earlier in the post.

Are all Results on Search Engines Equal? A Surprising Journey Within the SERPs - Search Engine Watch (SEW)

This is what the direct comparison looks like. All areas (Logo, Search results, Searchbox and Button, and Adbox) we will analyze separately, too. We saw some points within our analysis that are strong or weak within a search engine, which is quite interesting."

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